What intangible assets have you developed or acquired? Have you acquired a business with significant intangible value? Do you need assistance with asset valuation for a potential sale or for an allocation of the purchase price in a recent acquisition?
Financial reporting purposes, Purchase Price Allocations (PPA), Asset Impairment Testing (goodwill and other intangible assets), purchase and sale, tax planning for corporate reorganizations, and transfer pricing.
A summary of the process we typically follow with our intangible asset valuation support matters for intangible assets is as follows:

Planning Phase
Under the planning phase we have an initial meeting to discuss certain background information and determine the scope and timing of our engagement. An engagement letter is executed and we provide a schedule of the initial information we require. Preliminary research is also conducted.
1. Initial meeting to discuss background information, scope and timing of engagement
2. Obtain signed engagement letter
3. Provide preliminary information request
4. Conduct preliminary research

Execution Phase
Under the execution phase we review the initial information provided, meet with management and provide a schedule of the additional information we require and/or follow up questions we have. We also conduct additional research (e.g. company, industry, economy, etc.) and complete our valuation analysis and draft report.
1. Additional research – company, industry, etc.
2. Additional information gathering including follow-up meeting/interview of management
3. Valuation analysis and draft report

Reporting Phase
Under the reporting phase we provide our draft report for management’s review, meet or speak with management to discuss the draft report, refine our analysis if necessary, obtain a signed management representation letter and issue our final report.
1. Meeting to discuss preliminary findings and draft report
2. Refine analysis and, if necessary, gather additional information
3. Obtain signed representation letter
4.Issue final report
Contact us for information or queries related to INTANGIBLE ASSET VALUATION